SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING O RING - SILICONE DCR # DATE: A D070020 FEB 28, 2007 25.0 [0.98"] MAX o22.5 [0.89"] MAX TYP oM15 x 1.0 Class 6H TYP o22.0 [0.87"] MAX TYP TYP REV: STRAIGHT ADAPTOR -00 1 3 4 13.0 [0.51"] MAX 2 17.5 [0.69"] MAX 30.5 [1.20"] MAX ] 2" .0 [1 . 0 AX 26 M 45 ADAPTOR -45 90 ADAPTOR -90 (c) 2007 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved TITLE: HEXASHIELD ADAPTOR FOR CODE 40 CONNECTOR O/NO B 11 ENTRY SIZE A3 PLAIN CLAMPING NUT Raychem Wire and Harnessing Products 300 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. INCH DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BRACKETS DRAWN: DATE: DOCUMENT NO. Tyco Electronics reserves the right to amend this drawing at any time. Users should evaluate the suitability of the product for their application. DCR#: IRT AUG 2003 D070020 If this document is printed it becomes uncontrolled. Check for the latest revision. HEX40-AY-YY-11-A3-1 FILE: 87002/11-A3 SCALE: NONE SHEET: 1 OF 3 SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING REV: DCR # DATE: A D070020 FEB 28, 2007 KIT DESCRIPTION ITEM 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTION BODY ASSEMBLY CLAMPING NUT - PLAIN CONIC RING STAR - PLAIN MATERIAL ALUMINIUM ALLOY ALUMINIUM ALLOY ALUMINIUM ALLOY ALUMINIUM ALLOY PART NUMBERING HEX40 A B 00 11 A3 1 - CONNECTOR CODE NUMBER HEX40 = MIL-C-38999 SERIES III AND IV - MATERIAL CODE: A = ALUMINIUM ALLOY - PLATING CODE: B = CADMIUM OLIVE DRAB TO SAE-AMS-QQ-P416 C = ELECTROLESS NICKEL TO SAE-AMS-C-26074 - BODY STYLE 00 = STRAIGHT 45 = 45 90 = 90 - ORDER NUMBER - FERRULE QUANTITY CODE - 1 = PLAIN CLAMPING NUT APPLICATION - These adaptors are designed to be mounted on the following connectors: MIL-C-38999 Series III and IV Shell Size B (11) - They are qualified to the Raychem specification RB-114, when installed on metallic Mil-Specification circular connectors only. - They are designed primarily for open wire bundle installation but are also designed to accept Raychem heat shrink moulded parts where strain relief is required - see illustration. MOULDED PART - Use in conjunction with ferrules HET-A-0XX, which are purchased separately. Refer to HET-A-0XX S.C.D. for relevant selection details. TITLE: HEXASHIELD ADAPTOR FOR CODE 40 CONNECTOR O/NO B 11 ENTRY SIZE A3 PLAIN CLAMPING NUT Raychem Wire and Harnessing Products 300 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. INCH DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BRACKETS DRAWN: DATE: DOCUMENT NO. Tyco Electronics reserves the right to amend this drawing at any time. Users should evaluate the suitability of the product for their application. DCR#: IRT AUG 2003 D070020 If this document is printed it becomes uncontrolled. Check for the latest revision. HEX40-AY-YY-11-A3-1 FILE: 87002/11-A3 SCALE: NONE SHEET: 2 OF 3 SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING REV: DCR # DATE: A D070020 FEB 28, 2007 INSTALLATION -See Installation Procedure RPIP-696-04 (straight bodies) or RPIP-696-07 (45 and 90 bodies) for assembly. -See Installation Procedure RPIP-696-00 for shield termination. PACKAGING - All components are supplied in a plastic bag. NOTES! 1. Assembly is to be permanently marked with Code Identity Number and Part Number. (e.g. 06090 HEX40-AB-00-11-A3-1) TITLE: HEXASHIELD ADAPTOR FOR CODE 40 CONNECTOR O/NO B 11 ENTRY SIZE A3 PLAIN CLAMPING NUT Raychem Wire and Harnessing Products 300 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. INCH DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BRACKETS DRAWN: DATE: DOCUMENT NO. Tyco Electronics reserves the right to amend this drawing at any time. Users should evaluate the suitability of the product for their application. DCR#: IRT AUG 2003 D070020 If this document is printed it becomes uncontrolled. Check for the latest revision. HEX40-AY-YY-11-A3-1 FILE: 87002/11-A3 SCALE: NONE SHEET: 3 OF 3